On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
On Mission: Ethiopia
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, On Mission: Ethiopia

On Mission: Ethiopia

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On Mission is a quarterly magazine that engages children preschool through upper elementary with a cultural feast for their minds and hearts. Through beautiful images, living books, engaging activities, simple handicrafts, hands-on projects, stimulating challenges, interesting stories, and wise discipleship, our children are introduced to countries and cultures in a gentle and classical way.

Who is it for? 

This program was created to be visually intriguing enough for your K4 students while academically challenging and interesting enough for your 6th-grade students. It truly integrates many ages into culture, geography, and missions studies! 

What's included in this issue?

This 52-page issue of On Mission features the beautiful country of Ethiopia. This robust guide will help your family stay connected and learning about God's World all around them!

In this issue we cover/include: 

  • Living Book List
  • Guidance on scheduling and planning
  • Challenges to sharing the Gospel in Ethiopia
  • Understanding how History Impacts the Gospel Message
  • Free Co-Op Planning Schedules
  • Various activities and math challenges related to the Netherlands
  • Saint Frumentius
  • Geography: tectonic plates, gorge, desert, depression
  • Geography of the Horn of Africa
  • Creature Feature: Black-Maned Lion
  • History of Ethiopia (full and action-packed!)
  • Traditional Ethiopian Music & Art 
  • Special Feature: Poverty
  • Agriculture in Ethiopia
  • Oromo Terms
  • Daily Life like housing, schools, clothing and games
  • Foods from Ethiopia
  • Fabric Printing Handicraft

In the Additional Resources Printables file that is emailed to you, you'll find maps, activities, flashcards, paper dolls, memory statement cards, and a passport activity.

Print vs Digital? 

In the digital option, both the 52-page magazine PLUS the additional files (like maps and paper dolls) are all delivered to you via a DropBox link with password. You will receive NO print product in the mail.

In the PRINT option, you receive a 52-page magazine delivered to your door. You also receive access to the digital version of the magazine alongside the additional printable files to use as you see fit. 

NOTE: The magazine portion of this program is extremely ink-intensive. You'll likely save money to purchase print :) 

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find a detailed FAQ on this page

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Highly recommended!

I bought the 10 pack of issues and we are loving them! Thank you for a gorgeous product. My kids favorite part is the craft, recipes and animals. I love the prayer and the craft. All the other parts are fantastic, we are having such fun with this. The articles are enjoyable and understandable for such a range of ages, and the additional materials are versatile as well! So helpful for my kids 2, 4, & 7. The book recommendations are wonderful, too. We always get whichever ones our library system has available. Overall, your magazine is a very thorough, educational piece I'm so glad we invested in!

My kids did great with the craft and helping with the recipe, and the maps and coloring pages are a win for mommy who didn't have a lot of time to prepare. Thanks for covering so many helpful topics and making it streamlined. Highly recommend this to anyone wanting their kids to learn about the world God made from a safe, beautiful and well made product!
