Rooted Childhood Spring Collection 55% off for 24 Hours Only!

Fourth - Sixth Grade


Morning Virtues is a bi-monthly volume - created for all of your children, 1st grade and up - that brings beauty, connection, and character into your homeschool days. Choose the "core virtue" you would like to emphasize for the next 2 months. We provide you with living book recommendations, scripture reading, scripture memory, handicrafts, artist study, composer study, manners/hygiene focus, and a schedule for all of it. Grab this collection + the recommend books, and you're sure to start your days off in a beautiful, rich way.

Download a FREE issue HERE.

Shop all issues HERE.



Gentle + Classical Nature is a robust, living-book rich, exploration of nature. Our Forests Volume (also called Nature Volume 1) is centered around inland waterways and forests. Nature: Shorelines (or Volume 2) focuses on shorelines and oceans. Nature is adaptable for multiple ages (K-4th) as it offers Student Notebooks at two levels. However, all elementary students are able to work together on the same topics.

Download the FREE Teacher's Guide HERE.

While we do not currently have a Level 3 Student Notebook ready for Volumes 1 and 2 of Nature, children in 5th and 6th grade can easily join into nature study with their younger siblings, then spend time with independent readings of listed books or hands-on projects. We find these Nature and Ocean Anatomy companion notebooks from from Daily Skill Building really helpful with this age group. 

In Gentle + Classical Creation: Agricultural Science, explore traditional homesteading practices alongside commercial farming as you learn about food systems, agroecology, biological processes, food preservation, and more!
If you desire for your 3rd-6th grade child to enjoy a year of living, hands-on, knowledge-rich science education that includes extensive explorations into traditional agricultural practices and food preparation alongside an understanding of the roles of differently-sized farming operations, then this is the program for you!

Geography/Culture (Social Studies):

On Mission is a curriculum that engages children preschool through upper elementary with a cultural feast for their minds and hearts. Through beautiful images, living books, engaging activities, simple handicrafts, hands-on projects, stimulating challenges, interesting stories, and wise discipleship, our children are introduced to countries and cultures in a gentle and classical way. This program offers so much content that it works as a whole-family social studies for all elementary students. New Student Notebooks (available for Ukraine, Greece, Canada and later, Madagascar and Afghanistan) make implementation that much easier!

Download a FREE issue HERE.
