Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity
Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity

Morning Virtues Bundle: Hope, Kindness, Creativity

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Morning Virtues is a virtue-themed, bimonthly volume, designed for families with children 1st grade children, and up. This family-style program has been lovingly designed by The Gentle + Classical Press, Meaningful Menus, and Rooted Childhood.

In this special 3-issue bundle, grab three available issues of Morning Virtues at a special price!

What is it?

Need the *perfect* Morning Time plan? One that's not too overwhelming but not too rigid either?

There are so many "morning time" or "morning basket" plans available to homeschoolers right now that it can be really overwhelming. Three of your favorites shops have joined together to simplify the overwhelm and bring you exactly what you need for a great Charlotte Mason/Classical-inspired family collective for all of your students, first grade through high school!

Through the convenience of Morning Virtues, you'll find that:

1) Children that span 6-18 years can enjoy and benefit from the same beautiful and wholesome living read-alouds.

2) First graders can learn just as much about amazing artists and composers as their older siblings.

3) You only have to follow the convenient schedule to enjoy looping two read-alouds and artist/composer study.

4) The included menus and memory statement cards provide opportunities for all of your children to memorize the same portions of scripture and catechisms but in the right size "chunk" and in the proper format for their age and reading (or pre-reading) ability.

5) A broad age span can all enjoy handicrafts together with small modifications.

6) Your family can grow in beauty, connection, and character through 30-45 minutes together each day.

The included schedule allows for:

  • Diligently completing all 28 days in just 4 weeks, making room for other morning time opportunities


  • Real life! Implement Morning Virtues 3-4 mornings per week and have a full two months to make it through the 28 days before the next volume is available.
Who is it for?

This program is for families with children first grade and older. An additional book menu is included to add further reading options for various ages as well. 

What's included?

In the Kindness volume of Morning Virtues, you'll find the following content:

  • Hymn: In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came
  • Bible Reading + Catechism: Judges & Ruth (Alternate to Judges: 1 John)
  • Scheduled Read-Alouds: The Silver Balloon by Susan Bonners and A Place to Hang the Moon by Kate Albus
  • Artist Study: Carl Larsson
  • Composer Study: Robert Schumann
  • Affirmation
  • Scripture: Colossians 3:12-17
  • Poem: Kind Words by Daniel Clement Colesworthy
  • Sonnet: All That Matters by Edgar Guest
  • Folk Song: Free Little Bird
  • Handicrafts: Golden Thread Weaving & Seed Paper Hearts
  • Manners + Hygiene: Stewardship of Finances
  • Memory Statement Cards
  • Short Story: "Kind William the Weaver"

In the HOPE volume of Morning Virtues, you'll find the following content:

  • Hymn: My Hope is Built on Nothing Less
  • Bible Reading + Catechism: Romans
  • Scheduled Read-Alouds: Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter and Finding Langston by Lesa Cline-Ransome
  • Artist Study: Winslow Homer
  • Composer Study: Florence Price
  • Affirmation
  • Scripture: Romans 8:24-27
  • Poem: Hope is the Thing with Feathers (Dickinson) & To Hope (Smith)
  • Folk Song: Down in the River
  • Handicrafts: Paper Doves & Rainbow Wall Hanging
  • Manners + Hygiene: Stewardship of Nature
  • Memory Statement Cards
  • Short Story: People Who Could Fly (African-American Folktale)

In the Creativity volume of Morning Virtues, you'll find the following content:

  • Hymn: Take My Life & Let it Be
  • Bible Reading + Catechism: Genesis
  • Scheduled Read-Alouds: Faerie Gold by Classics for Young Readers and The Story of George Washington Carver by Eva Moore
  • Artist Study: Giuseppe Arcimboldo 
  • Composer Study: John Philip Sousa
  • Affirmation
  • Scripture: Genesis 1:1-5 and Ephesians 2:8-10
  • Poem: Little Things by Julia A. Carney
  • Folk SongSimple Gifts
  • Handicrafts: Clay Fairy Houses and Chalk Pastel Wall Art
  • Manners + Hygiene: Stewardship of Creative Abilities
  • Memory Statement Cards: Scripture, Catechism, Virtue, and Manners/Hygiene
  • Short Story: Pumpkin in a Jar by Dean S. Fansler


    Digital or Physical Delivery?

    The DIGITAL volume is emailed to you via dropbox. You will need to print these items at home or through your preferred printer and will receive NO items in the mail.

    The Physical Delivery option includes digital files as well, in the event you need to print additional copies at home. The Physical Delivery option includes:

    • 1 copy of the THREE Morning Virtues guide (saddle-stitched, full color)
    • 1 set of art prints (4 prints) (8.5x10.75", full color, heavy satin paper) PER ISSUE
    • 1 Meaningful Virtues Menu (8.5x10.75", full color, heavy satin paper; slides easily into menu covers *not included) PER ISSUE
    • 1 set of Memory Statement Cards *uncut (8.5x10.75", full color, heavy satin paper) PER ISSUE
    More from Rooted Childhood and Meaningful Menus

    Meghann from and Ashley from are two of the most talented small shop creators you'll find in the Charlotte Mason homeschool space! 

    • Meghann has created a variety of collections that feature beautiful, attainable handicrafts that always incorporate literature, story-telling, and poetry. If you are using Primer, you'll 100% love her coordinating Storybook Soiree Collection. Find her shop HERE
    • Ashley is the skill and brains behind the thoughtfully and beautifully curated Meaningful Menus. She has a variety of menu collections if you love the one found in Morning Virtues. She also offers a menu specific to Gentle + Classical Primer. You can find her shop HERE
    Looking for FREE Teacher's Guide OR Issue?

    You can download any of our FREE Teacher's Guides, a FREE issue of On Mission (India) and Morning Virtues: Courage, AND the Nature Collection Notebook all on this convenient page.

    Save 15% Off 2 or More!


    Award-Winning Curriculum

    2024 Awards from

    We are ecstatic and honored to know that the Gentle + Classical Press was nominated and WON multiple categories during the annual Back to Homeschool Curriculum Awards! We are honored that thousands of homeshooler's chose Gentle + Classical Curriculum!

    GCP was voted:

    #1 Preschool Curriculum (Gentle + Classical Preschool)

    #1 History and Social Studies Curriculum (On Mission and Sequence 1)

    #2 All-in-One Curriculum (Gentle + Classical Preschool, Primer, On Mission Around teh World, and Sequence 1)

    #2 Most Popular Literature Curriculum (Morning Virtues)

    #2 Christian Curriculum (All)

    #2 Geography Curriculum (On Mission)

    #3 Bible Study Curriculum (All)

    #3 Science Curriculum (Nature)

    2022 - #1 Homeschool Curriculum in 7 Categories!

    Need Menu Covers?

    We now offer 4-page (8 view), 8.5x11" clear menu covers to accompany Morning Binders, Morning Virtues, and our holiday products. 

    Find them here. 

    Co-Op + Classroom Licensing

    Are you planning to utilize any Gentle + Classical materials with a group of other famlies (co-op) or in your classroom or school?

    We are so excited to hear that and feel honored to be considered! 

    We do want to share the information about our co-op/classroom licensing with you. This also applies to daycares OR ANY OTHER SETTING in which non-family members are gathered to utilize G+C materials in any capacity. 

    What qualifies as a "daycare, classroom, or co-op"?

    We define a co-op, classroom, or daycare setting as: 2 or more households coming together in a group with the intent of using Gentle + Classical materials for their lesson or gathering time.

    Digital Licensing

    Co-op licensing costs $7 per student/per curriculum/per year (Preschool, Primer, and/or Nature). The licensing includes access to our full digital curriculum so that the lead teacher can print and use the curriculum and supplementary materials in the classroom setting onlyIt doesn't include licensing to print materials for students to use at home with their families. Families who wish to use the curriculum in their own homes should purchase the curriculum for home use.
    We also offer licensing for our unit studies, such as On Mission, Morning Virtues, Christmas, Autumn, and Easter. The co-op licensing for each unit study is $3 per child/per digital issue. 

    Interested in printed materials for your group or classroom?

    We are happy to provide you with a customized quote! We provide bulk discounts for these types of orders. 

    How to Proceed:

    To use co-op licensing, we will verify your information so we can correctly invoice you and provide the desired curriculum. Then, we'll create an invoice for you for the number of students using the curriculum. Once you've paid the invoice, we will send you access to the full digital curriculum so that your lead teacher can print and use the materials during your co-op meeting times.
    For a print quote, we follow the same protocol.

    Please email us at for a quote for your group!

    Return Policy & FAQ

    Digital products are non-refundable. 

    Print products that are damaged OR MISSING will be replaced if we are notified within 30 days of shipment. Please check your materials as soon as you receive them. 

    Change of heart returns are discouraged, however completely unopened material may be returned with a 30% re-stocking fee. Customer will be required to re-package the item thoroughly IN A NEW BOX and pay return shipping, including insurance. Once the item is inspected, you will receive a refund at 70% of the full price.

    Opened materials cannot be returned. Opened means items that have had their shrink-wrap removed. 

    You can read the complete refund and shipping policies HERE.

    To read disclosures, head here

    For a DETAILED FAQ for all products, please go HERE.

    Need a Curriculum Advisor?

    If you're feeling overwhelmed by options and aren't sure which program or which level is a good fit for your family, we have a solution! Lara is our AMAZING Curriculum Advisor and she would be overjoyed to speak with you about your needs for each of your students. She can help you troubleshoot your schedule, figure out how to best implement the program, and so much more! 

    Simply send Whitney an email at, and she will be back with you as soon as possible !


    You can find my statement of faith HERE

    The programs from The Gentle + Classical Press are grounded in the Christian Classical Tradition with a strong emphasis on the Charlotte Mason philosophy. 

    Books that have influenced these programs heavily are: 

    Charlotte Mason's Home Education, A Philosophy of Education, and Formation fo Character

    The Liberal Arts Tradition by Jain and Clark

    The Well-Trained Mind by Susan W Bauer

    Tending the Heart of Virtue by Guroian

    The Abolition of Man by CS Lewis

    You may download any Teacher's Guide for FREE  to read a thorough detailing of my heart for Home Education. 

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