This product is a DIGITAL download of 150+ 3-Part Montessori Cards correlated to the Memory Statements of Volume 1 of Gentle + Classical Nature. However, this set of 1/4-page cards is a beautiful addition to any homeschool study on nature. These cards print in landscape mode and are lightly outlined for easy cutting.
NOTE: If you are purchasing the Gentle + Classical Nature Volume 1 Bundle, this item is already included!
What's included?
The 18 units of Gentle + Classical Nature cover the following topics, therefore these cards correlate with them well:
- amphibians
- freshwater fish
- aquatic insects (dragonflies)
- freshwater waterbirds
- freshwater mammals
- reptiles
- inland birds
- forest animals (temperate)
- butterflies
- bees
- arachnids
- worms/decomposition
- coniferous trees
- mosses and mushrooms
- tree anatomy
- deciduous trees
- nocturnal animals
nature in motion
These cards also reflect the birds, trees, and flowers we learn via our attainments as well as seed types, leaf shapes, and certain cycles in nature.
Who is it for?
These 3-Part Montessori cards have a variety of learning opportunities and several games and methods are outlined in the pdf download. You'll find opportunities abound for use with toddlers through 4th grade.
Page Quantity + Specifications
This file has two versions of the same cards. You will find them without a dividing line between the image and word and WITH a dividing line. In total, this file is 84 pages long.